domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Comment from Gerie Bledsoe

Comment from Gerie Bledsoe

There is no excuse, no justification for the burning of toxic materials -- plastics, computer parts, and old tires -- anytime, anywhere in Mexico.  These items are being burned regularly and  illegally near people's homes, schools, and even residences for the elderly in San Miguel de Allende. In fact, the brick-makers are poisoning themselves and their children. Is temporary unemployment worse than being responsible for exposing one's own children regularly to toxic chemicals?

We have a promising design for a new type of kiln on some municipal
property just off the new highway from SMA to Guanajuato, but progress is painfully slow.
We just need the local, state, and federal governments to (1) stop the illegal brick-making in SMA immediately and (2) push this Industrial Park through to completion, while
proving appropriate support for the brick-makers in the transition. We
also need the city government to require that only "clean" bricks are used in
construction. If this should raise the price of bricks by a small amount,
it's a small price to pay for clean air.

From Gerie Bledsoe

From: Gerie Bledsoe
October 7th 2012

Yes, the illegal burning on October 3 caused me serious respiratory
problems here in the Ojo de Agua area. The air reeked of burning plastic and old
car tires. It was the worst I have experienced in my two years here.
Neighbors also complained to me. If this illegal burning is not stopped, real
estate values will not much improve in SMA and tourism will be depressed.

The brick makers almost always burn the trash at night to stop us from
taking photos, which is an indication they know that what they are doing is
wrong, legally and morally. Even people who live around the brick ovens in
that part of town are complaining, I have been told.

We can only hope that the
new city president and administration will act
immediately to stop the illegal burning and get the Parque Industrial
finished so this people can make their bricks using new, efficient ovens and
acceptable fuels.

It is past time to stop this environmental atrocity.

Our goal

Clean Air for San Miguel aims to eliminate the serious air pollution caused by illegal brick kilns in full urban areas.
Our goal is for all people to benefit from a healthy environment and for a tourism regrowth that gives prosperity and development to our beloved San Miguel de Allende